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Review of value delivered by a worker reporting programme

Review of value delivered by a worker reporting programme

  • Client: GSK
  • Assignment: Review of value added by company ZAP report programme
  • Venues: UK

PsychaLogica has had a relationship with GSK since 2005. In 2014 we were commissioned to carry out an investigation into the value being added through its worldwide ZAP process. This is a worker based reporting system – the aim being to encourage vigilance and collect evidence with respect to risk. The project plan involved data collection at least two sites – to date the activity has been in the UK. A detailed review was carried out of the database and interviews held with a wide variety of roles. Feedback has been provided in the form of a written report and dissemination of the findings during a telephone conference with an international group of GSKs Living safety practitioners. It is planned to conduct a similar exercise in India.

Read the testimonial from Sion Edwards, EHS Director here.