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Safety Culture Enhancement Programme

“Safety culture enhancement programme”

  • Client: BG Group
  • Assignment: Development of a business unit led safety culture enhancement programme
  • Venues: Australia, India, Tunisia, (Trinidad)

PsychaLogica was engaged by BG Group to develop a process focused on safety improvement – with specific emphasis on each business unit taking ownership for the development of their own improvement programme. The starting point of the process is a safety culture assessment conducted electronically using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed and administered by PsychaLogica – the output consisting of detailed analysis in the form of a report. The report was then the subject of a 2-day senior leadership workshop – the aim being to enhance the learning of leadership team members and to formulate a local action plan for implementation. The process called for a safety leadership intervention as a standard item based on a more generic assessment of need in the organisation. PsychaLogica subsequently designed and delivered the safety leadership workshops.